Open Electronics
Great Resources for Electronics Enthusiasts and Hardware Hackers
- Getting Started in Electronics by Forrest Mims
- The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill
- Make: Electronics by Charles Platt
- Make: More Electronics by Charles Platt
- Practical Electronics for Inventors by Paul Scherz and Simon Monk
- The AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C by Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Sarmad Naimi and Sepehr Naimi
- Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Series by Charles Platt
- Volume 1 - Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, Switches, Encoders, Relays, Transistors
- Volume 2 - LEDs, LCDs, Audio, Thyristors, Digital Logic, and Amplification
- Volume 3 - Sensors for Location, Presence, Proximity, Orientation, Oscillation, Force, Load, Human Input, Liquid … Light, Heat, Sound, and Electricity
- Forrest Mims Engineer’s Mini Notebook Series
- Zero to Maker: Learn (Just Enough) to Make (Just About) Anything by David Lang
- Instructables - Instructables is a place that lets you explore, document, and share your creations.
- - is the world’s largest collaborative hardware development community.
- Hackster - Hackster is a community dedicated to learning hardware.
- - is a place for makers to design and collaborate with one another, with the goal to take their product to market.
- - is a hardware development community powered by Digi-Key Electronics.
- Electronics For You - These magazines keep the electronics fraternity updated with the latest technical knowledge about new technologies, semiconductors, components, systems, tools and techniques. It regularly features industry experts and top-shots within its pages.
- The Amp Hour Electronics - It is the worlds largest and most respected electronics oriented radio show. Discussions range from hobbyist electronics to the state of the electronics industry, components, circuit design, and general on and off-topic rants.
- The Hardware Entrepreneur - Learn directly from hardware entrepreneurs.
- The Spark Gap - A podcast discussing the nuts and bolts of embedded electronics, the systems that use them, and the community that surrounds them.
- Circuit Simulation
- For Microcontrollers
- Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Designing
Video Tutorials and Courses
- AddOhms - Electronics Tutorials
- Afrotechmods - Straight to the point electronics tutorial videos with practical examples.
- All About Circuits - Free video lectures cover everything from basic electronics to semiconductor technology.
- Ben Eater - Videos about electronics, computer architecture, networking, and various other technical subjects.
- Circuits and Electronics
- Collin’s Lab - Collin Cunningham shares his adventures in science, sound, and electronics.
- EEVblog - Electronics Engineering Video Blog
- FreeVideoLectures/Electronics - Free Video Lectures from top Universities.
- GreatScott! - Awesome Electronics Tutorials, Projects and How To´s.
- humanHardDrive - Videos on electronics, microcontrollers and programming.
- Khan Academy/electrical-engineering - Learn about electricity, circuit theory, and introductory electronics.
- MAKE Presents - An in-depth look inside electronics and what makes it work.
- Patrick Hood-Daniel - CNC, automated fabrication, electronics and much more.
- PyroEDU - Learn to build your own electronics with online courses.
- Adafruit - Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits.
- All About Circuits - This website provides a series of volumes covering electricity and electronics. The information provided is great for students, makers, and professionals who are looking to refresh or expand their knowledge in this field.
- BuildElectronicCircuits - Learn Electronic circuits, PCB Design, Soldering and more.
- CircuitsToday - Awesome and useful content in the Electronics Engineering
- Crowd Supply - Crowdfunding platform for Hardwares.
- DangerousPrototypes - Open Source Hardware Projects.
- Electronics For You - If It’s Electronics, It’s Here.
- Electronics Hub - This website provide tutorials for basic electronics and beginner to advanced projects.
- ElectronicsTutorials - The purpose of this site is to give students and beginners alike studying Electronics, good Basic Electronics Tutorials and information to help develop a knowledge and understanding of the subject of Electronics.
- ElProCus - The Budding Electronic Engineers’ Knowledge Space.
- Embeddedgurus - Experts on Embedded Softwar
- Explore Embedded - Tutorials on various Microcontrollers and RTOS
- Freeduino - The World Famous Index of Arduino & Freeduino Knowledge
- Gadgetronicx - Gadgetronicx is an educational website based on Electronics and Embedded Systems.
- Hackerspaces - Find Hackerspaces around you.
- Makezine - DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.
- maxEmbedded - Guide to robotics, embedded systems and computer vision.
- MicroDigitalEd - All about Microcontrollers and Microprocessors.
- MySensors - An open source hardware and software community focusing on DIY, Home automation and Internet of Things.
- PighiXXX - This website is dedicated to all lovers of electronics and programming.
- Pololu - Robotics and Electronics
- Predictable Designs - Helping entrepreneurs, startups, makers, engineers, & small companies develop electronic hardware products.
- RobotShop - Let’s Make Robots
- SparkFun - SparkFun is an online retail store that sells the bits and pieces to make your electronics projects possible. SparkFun also offers classes and online tutorials to help educate individuals in the wonderful world of embedded electronics.
- Spinning Numbers - Learn the concepts of electrical engineering.
- Technoblogy - Arduino and AVR projects
- Tindle - Buy awesome things directly from makers.
- Williamson Labs - Electronics Made Easy.